Homer: I’m sorry, Marge, but sometimes I think we’re the worst family in town.
Marge: Maybe we should move to a larger community.
I signed up online for renter's insurance in my new place. But I had to call with a question. I got a really nice agent.
Me: Can I get insurance to cover the interstate move?
Sally: The renter's insurance policy covers you household goods wherever they are, including in a moving van.
Me: So, if the van is swallowed by Montana in an earthquake like Lois Lane in Superman?
Sally: Yep: covered.
Me: What if my stuff is scattered by a tornado across a prairie in Montana? Like that tornado movie, only in Montana.
Sally: Yep: covered.
Me: What if the van driver gets drunk and plunged off a cliff in Wyoming?
WISIMH: Can't think of a movie reference on that one.
Sally: Nope.
Me: That was a trick question anyway, because I don't think there are cliffs in Wyoming.
Sally: It doesn't matter. The delivery company is liable if it's their fault.
Me: What about if the driver hits a fuel tanker and they both explode up in flames?
Sally: Apart from the legal question of liability - which I won't answer - moving company pays, not me.
Me: What if Thelma and Louise blow up the van because the driver is a dick?
Sally: Argue with the van company first because they are more likely to get the movie reference.
WISIMH: Ask about an alien space ship hitting the van with a drill intended to implant a black hole inside earth like in Star Trek.
Me: Thank you very much for playing along, Sally.