Thursday, March 12, 2015

Go Away

“’Tell me this,’ he said at last. ‘Have you a desideratum*?’
This queer question was unexpected but I answered it quickly enough. I said I had.
‘What desideratum?’
‘To find what I am looking form.’
‘That is a handsome desideratum,’ said Martin Finnucane. ‘What way will you bring it about or mature its mutandum* and bring it ultimately to passable factivity?’”

*desideratum: something that is wanted
* mutandum: something that is to be changed

 - Flann O’Brien, The Third Policeman

I spoke to my sisters-in-law recently. Apart from other explicit pearls of wisdom that drip off them like drool from the chin of a teething infant, I learned I have some problems with boundaries. Mine, that is.

I don’t want to talk to anyone except the pizza delivery guy. And that’s only because he’s moderately cute. Not like my imaginary friend, Paulo-the-Pool-Boy cute. But the best part of my day is closing the door behind Pizza boy and Paulo, second (or third?) only to hanging up the phone after a check-in call from DOS. I managed to get through the obligatory birthday call (on the wrong day, natch) like a laxative through DOB who is 4’10” and about as wide.

They may be perfectly nice people. Their brother loved them to the extent he loved anything that somebody graciously handed him for free. Their mother loves them to the extent that she remembers which end of the telephone received to put to her ear and also remembers who they are. They may love their mother to the extent that I did every fucking thing to assure her twilight years wouldn’t be spent on alone under a bridge drinking her dinner from a bottle in a paper bag while they asked me for free legal advice about their respective train-wreck lives.

I don’t want to be estranged from these in-laws. Estranged connotes confrontational partings, disputes about mutual relatives - now gone in body and/or in spirit, angry arguments or overt outbursts of passive aggressiveness. Contesting wills and arguing about large amounts of money. It implies some emotional bonds that have been emotionally broken.

Yeah, no. I just don’t want to maintain the travesty of the mockery of the sham that we were ever friends. So, while I don’t want to fight with them or tell them to get lost, I would appreciate it if they would just leave me alone.

AT$T recently did me a favor by disconnecting my cellphone over a bill dispute. It was satisfactorily resolved after about a week - and with minimal glitter. I may have forgotten to tell DOS that my cell now works again. It is a possible activity that I got the point across - like a circus elephant jumping a tiny bicycle over the Grand Canyon.

Mutandumed halfway to my desideratum. They still have my home phone number.

Photo Credit: Okamoto-Kiichi, from 50 Watts

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