Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Department of Complaint Response, Division of You Think You’ve Got it Bad?...

“I was no longer happy in Auschwitz once the mass exterminations had begun…. At first, I felt unhappy at the prospect of uprooting myself, for I had become deeply involved with Auschwitz as a result of all the difficulties and troubles and the many heavy tasks that had been assigned to me there. But then I was glad to be free from it all.”
-       Rudolf Hoess

A symptom of stress over selling a house is having thicker mood swings – higher, lower, longer, twistier, suddenly hitting like a bag of sand dropped on your head. I’m currently in a trough of a mood swing up to my neck in sand.

The house is old. There are some quite serious plumbing problems. Today, leaks in 50 year old cast iron pipes were eclipsed by the chimney sweep who didn't even wear a top hat and whose handshake is supposed to bring good luck. As of the close of business today, my plumbing problems are to my chimney problems as a cool breeze is to having a bag of sand dropped on your head. Tomorrow that will change for the worse. You might say I am waiting for the electrician. The electrician will complete his inspection and then probably back up a dump truck of sand on my head through the holes in the chimney. 

It’s an old house and quite a heavy task to sell. The termites and I have loved it a long time. And speaking of termites and heaviness of tasks, here’s a fun fact. The other day, while I was on hold with the termite inspector, instead of canned music, I listened to a charmingly professional airport announcer lady’s voice telling me that the weight of all the termites in the world exceeds the weight of all the humans in the world. Not the number. The weight. (Well, probably the number too.)

On the bright side - like many problems in life - all I have to do is throw some money at it. That’s what money is for. I could be on a restricted calorie diet like Rudolph’s guests. I imagine they might have been even unhappier than he was. I am in no danger of going to bed hungry with the smell of burning meat permeating my tent.

WISIMH:  Wait! Did you just invoke Godwin's Law in describing how bad it is to move?

Me:  No, fool. I wasn’t trying to prove my point about stress by reductio ad Hitlerum. I was trying to explain that unhappiness is relative. I’m was trying to be all positive and shit. Why are you so angry all the time?

WISIMH: (Going to my happy place) I wonder what my weight in termites would look like. 

Me: I bet the volume of the stacked sandbags that hit me today.

WISIMH: At least, like poor, unhappy Rudolf, I will be glad when we're free from it all.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Customer Complaint to Heaven

We have ways to make you talk
You won’t like it at all
If you can’t run, walk
If you can’t walk, crawl
But don’t look down
It’s a long, long fall
 - Warren Zevon, You’re a Whole Different Person When You’re Scared

God’s Customer Service Department

Subject:   Prayer, granting thereof

I am writing because I believe in my heart* that God is kind and merciful** and that He may have inadvertently overlooked my personal petitions lately. Regrettably*** my level of satisfaction with regard to my prayerful requests for His help ranks at 1 on the 1-5 scale****.

*         By which I mean my brain is totally an atheist.
**       By which I mean totally indifferent to the fate of his children who he foolishly created with more free will than goodwill.
***     By which I mean I am so filled with regret that everything I do these day is regrettable.
****   5 = rapturously satisfied
          4 = pleasingly surprised
          3 = expectedly underwhelmed       
          2 = deeply unsatisfied
          1 = blindingly enraged

I have been very depressed lately. Tech Support Guy died rather unexpectedly and quickly at the end of last year. This year did not begin well, but I expected it to get better. Regrettably, it has gotten worse because of an impulsive decision to move from my home of 30 years, back to the place where I was born.

I will now briefly recount the issues presented in my increasingly desperate prayers, and the progressively unsatisfactory replies.

When TSG died last year, I initially requested comfort in my grief and resolution of my mixed feelings. Arguably, the response  - in which I spent the next three months in a numb daze - was at least a response. Furthermore, the numbness was, upon reflection, preferable to the panic attacks that would ambush me, sometimes in public. While the numbness helped, I couldn’t help noticing that it came with a certain passive aggressive pinch of guilt. I was reminded frequently that part of my grief was coming to terms with what a jerk my husband was and feeling guilty for not feeling guiltier.

I prayed to God to get over this stage of grief. In response one day I had this long conversation inside my head where I imagined myself being married to one of those rugged guys in erectile dysfunction commercials. He had this trim casual elegance and gruff smile with a dimple and he read interesting books and volunteered at the no-kill pet shelter and cooked perfect lamb shank risotto.

Inside my head, me and Erectile Dysfunction Dude had a long conversation about the tipping point between creative genius and drug-addled insanity, and at first we agreed to disagree about where Frank Zappa fit on that scale. His point, while well articulated, boiled down, I thought, to his assertion that Zappa was so far ahead of his time, like the Jules Verne of music, that our grandchildren will recognize and celebrate his prescient genius.

I maintained that Zappa was merely postmodern before we got there, but now that we’re as over postmodern as we are over Millennial hipsters and their facial hair, Zappa' ouvre hasn’t aged well, I insisted.  I was all, nobody has to worry about eating yellow snow thanks to global warming.

EDD sort of won the argument when he picked up the pepper mill that my dead husband paid $80 for, held it like a mic and said  “Brown shoes don’t make it. Quit school. Why fake it?” Then he dropped the pepper mill and stood up and cleared the table and washed the breakfast dishes. I still smile seeing his dimples.

But, while I appreciate the release and peace this reverie brought, I can’t help thinking it was a bit cruel to leave me sitting there at the end and focusing on the egg yolk dried to crust on my empty crumb-scattered plate. EDD does not exist in this universe, and certainly not in my neighborhood, let alone my breakfast table.

Now, Customer Service, I don’t like to complain despite the well-established fact that it is one of my more highly developed God-given skills. If that was where my prayers and your services ended, I would not have written this letter, and I would have accepted this as a normal part of life in general and the grieving process in particular.

Regrettably, that moderately satisfactory result was not to be.

By the end of the summer I had made a decision to move from SoCal to Puget Sound WA. The decision itself was not impulsive because I had been discussing this with my sister for years. But the timing was. We had both expected to move next year. Instead God sent us the perfect house at the perfect price in August. By September, it was ours. I have sold my house and will move in a few weeks. This has been stressful, and I have been plagued with doubts and uncertainty.

What was God thinking? I didn’t ask for this, and realized too late that I was not ready. The stress has not been managed very well. In fact, it has pushed me down and tried to hold a pillow over my face. Was this some dramatic foreshadowing of my worsening depression?

There are some days, when instead of summoning EDD to cheer me up inside my head, TSG shows up and remind me what a dick he was to leave me with a hoarding room filled with 40 years of old computers, electronics, ham radio, speakers and a dozen or so keyboards, decaying cartons of connectors, adaptors, accessories, and operating manuals for same, plus old magazines about computers. And porn. Ahh the porn. All covered with dust and cobwebs so old they were greasy, and interspersed with fossilized rat feces.

At this point I should stop to mention that there was, praise God, no fresh feces and that was entirely due to the inspiration I received from God a few years ago when I saw a rat stroll down my hallway late one night. The Lord moved me to, at least annually, toss a box of mothballs into the room and then pop a fogger and close the door. So, props for that.

Anyway. Cleaning out the hoarding room was so depressing that I petitioned God to either a) stop making me feel suicidal; or b) kill me, already.

(Now, I know from personal experience if you use the S-word around people with 3-digit IQs they tend to ask awkward questions and generally feel the need to intervene. But seriously, Customer Service?  Surely God knows the difference between an impulsive cry for help and a rational decision to pull the boxing gloves off and walk out of the ring. Perhaps that will the be subject of my next strongly worded letter to your office.)

Anyway. Back to the subject of this letter: my strong dissatisfaction with the answers to my recent prayers.

I remember the nuns telling us God always answers our prayers, but sometimes the answer is no. I confess that even back then, I found this to be an uncomfortable stretch of logic and an affront to the rules of rhetoric: assuming that prayers were always presented in the form of yes or no questions. Even back then, I knew life was uncertain and the biggest single problem was not whether or not to do something; but in deciding what the fuck to do/not do. In all honestly, I probably wouldn’t have put it like that back in Sister Francis Mary’s classroom. My nuanced use of profanity is another one of the skills I have honed with study, age, and the generous help of God.

I asked God to make the decision and then execute it. I wanted the cup of my fate to pass. And like he did to his son at Gethsemane, God turned back to his dice game and his small batch single malt. Douche move, Customer Service. Like Jesus, this was my darkest hour. I asked for the cup to pass, like Jesus did, only different. I asked God to pass me a sip of the scotch, not to spare me from the consequences of my overhasty decisions. A little help.

Instead, apart from the hardship it caused me to have to drink alone, I didn’t even get that kiss from Judas first. Just radio silence. I didn’t get the courtesy of a kiss off, Customer Service. I cannot conclude otherwise than that I have been treated with greater disrespect than God forced his only begotten son to undergo on my behalf. (Speaking of that, all the good that did, eh?)

I am forced to conclude that this part of your business model may be one of the reasons your franchises have suffered recently. Miraculously letting Saint Mother Theresa and that other one wearing Prada gowns and red shoes (no, not Dorothy) get away with mother and child abuse respectively may have seemed like good ideas at the time. But bread and circuses and a charismatic pope don’t distract those in need of God’s mercy and help. We notice God’s ongoing failure to fix this mess our God-given free will has gotten us into individually and collectively.

I am writing this letter in the spirit of a consumer who has experienced problems with the product and feels the terms of the warranty have not been met. I’m hoping you can put this right by making the Zoloft kick in sooner rather than later. I think that’s the least you can do*.

* And by least, I mean that’s probably the most you can do.

I would like to conclude with a respectful and well-intentioned caution. Perhaps you are not aware that it was actually man who created God in the first place through the force of our belief in some benevolent purpose to give our brief lives meaning as we trudge through this vale of tears. Accordingly, we can uncreate gods by ceasing to believe in them. The dustbin of history is filled with the decaying corpses of gods men no longer believe in.

Please consider that in the event your boss goes out of business, you probably have no unemployment compensation to fall back on. Customer services are pretty thin on the ground these days, and it would be regrettable* for me to see you standing on the side of the road holding cardboard signs invoking god’s blessings as I blow this town and head to my new life.

* Regrettable in the sense that I would give as many fucks** about your plight as God does about my plight.
**    Zero


Dissatisfied Customer

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Strongly Worded Letter to PODS

October 10. 2015

John Koch
PODS Enterprises
13535 Feather Sound Drive
Clearwater FL 33762

Re: Account xxxxxxxx

I’m writing to complain about the appalling, terrible, incompetent and generally unsatisfactory “service” you provided. Your driver failed to deliver my POD on 10/7/15 as scheduled. I had hired and paid a non-refundable deposit for unloading it. Your driver apparently found the site “unsuitable”. I dispute that. I suspect your driver simply didn’t want to bother and since I was not present I was unable to persuade him by means of a generous tip to do so. This is not merely terrible service. It is a dishonest practice and borders on extortion.

You compounded this incompetence by not timely informing me of this failure to deliver the POD. When your representative Robin finally did so the following day, it was too late for me to cancel the movers I had hired to unload the POD. I assured Robin that even Google Earth can see there is plenty of level space to park the POD and politely asked them to reconsider. Robin said she would pursue the matter with the storage center manager. Robin never called me back.

Knowing that the delivery site was on a hill, I did have some concerns about this site. However, when the POD was delivered to San Diego to be loaded, an even more challenging site was presented. The 16’ POD was backed up my long driveway on a steeper slope with even narrower clearance, and was placed on a level RV-sized spot to be loaded. Accordingly, I believe I was not unreasonable in assuming that while the delivery site is admittedly challenging, the RV-sized level site adjacent to the house is a slightly easier location for a skilled driver to deliver the POD to the final location than it was to deliver it to the pickup location. 

When I called again I spoke to Phil and requested that you reconsider your unilateral and unreasonable decision not to deliver the POD. Phil said he checked with the storage center manager and driver and they insist the site is unsuitable. I have since had a professional mover personally survey the site and he has assured me he will have no trouble parking the 17’ truck I have subsequently rented. He is familiar with the PODS truck systems and says the site is suitable provided the driver is competent.

Further compounding this unreasonable unilateral decision, your practice is apparently to then drop the problem back in the customer’s lap and expect the customer to not only make but to pay for additional expenses incurred in making other arrangements. Phil politely informed me that you are holding my POD hostage in another city and told me that not only am I responsible to empty the POD, but also that you would charge me to store it until I could do so.

I am now therefore done being polite. You should have delivered the POD. You should notified me promptly that there was a problem and given me time to have a real professional travel to the location to discuss with your driver and possibly show him how to do his job. If your driver was unable to perform his job, you should have offered to transport the contents of the POD to my location and put them inside the dwelling. At the very very least, you should have offered to store the contents for an extra month for free. While your representatives were perfectly polite, they were as compassionate and helpful as broken toasters. It is now too late for your company to make this right at your own initiative because I have been forced to make alternative arrangements.

Accordingly, here is what happens next. I will be bringing a competent crew and a truck to the storage center in Sumner on Monday, November 16, 2015 where they will unload the POD into a rented truck. I am giving you timely notice of the remedies I demand on Monday, November 16, 2015 from the Storage Center in Sumner WA:

1.       I will expect to receive a check for a full refund of all fees paid to PODs since you failed to perform the services I contracted for.
2.       I will present you with an invoice for the cost of renting a truck and a crew to unload and move the contents of the POD twice: into the truck at your center and then into my house.
3.       I will expect this to be paid in full for these additional costs in not more than 30 days, although I would prefer to receive a check on November 16 because I have no trust in your company.

It might interest you to know why I am so upset about this situation. I am a 68-year-old woman with heart disease and high stroke risk whose husband died 6 months ago, so you can imagine I have a low tolerance for such unpleasant surprises as the treatment I have received. Thanks to PODs, I have been unable to occupy my home in Burien and have been forced to remain in San Diego and pay 2 mortgages. Furthermore, the additional anxiety and stress your actions have directly caused me can easily be documented by my medical record of consulting with my doctor to adjust my heart and anti-anxiety medications to get me through this ordeal.

If your storage center manager is not prepared to refund my fees and pay my additional expenses on November 16, 2015, please be advised that this will cause me additional damages. In that event, I will pursue all legal remedies available to me including not only an action for compensatory damages for the initial and additional expenses you have caused me (truck rental, moving services, additional living expenses etc.) but also punitive damages for the inconvenience, physical and mental stress and intentional infliction of emotional distress as substantiated by my medical record.

Furthermore, I will avail myself of all social media to tell my story to my friends and ask them to share my experiences with their friends. I have already informed USAA of the facts of this situation and will continue to keep them informed.

You should be ashamed of your employees, your business model and your way of handling avoidable problems to your customers. I am asking you to please do the right thing here.

With all due respect...