Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Footprints in the Sand

I’m sure you’ve heard that pointless life lesson about the footprints on the beach when god was strolling along beside you. Then, you got to a rough patch in life and you realized there was only one set of footprints.  So naturally, you blame god for deserting you when you needed him the most. And then god says, I was carrying you, you ungrateful weak bastard. Oh, snap!

Well, I am not blaming god for abandoning me at that point where I look back and see only one set of footprints. That’s the part where my god and I each decided to hop on one foot. The footprints do sort of zig-zag unevenly: maybe we were walking home because we each thought the other guy was going to be the designated driver until we were both too drunk to drive.

The deep thought for today is that my god isn’t my designated driver. And my god has a sense of humor, while your god thinks you’re an ungrateful weak bastard.  

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